About the Cover

A Steller sea lion stretches and yawns while resting at a haul-out in Kodiak, Alaska.
© 2024 Marion Owen

Marion Owen is a Kodiak, Alaska photographer, video creator, writer, and master gardener. Her work has appeared in numerous publications and venues, including The Nature Conservancy, Better Homes & Gardens, TIME, Audubon, and Smithsonian Magazine. She is a co-author of Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul and her website is GardenersCoach.com.

AQR Vol. 40, No. 3 & 4, Summer/Fall 2024

Table of Contents




Sermon, Kai Carlson-Wee
Lower Wenatchee, Kai Carlson-Wee
Twilight, Joseph Millar
Home, Joseph Millar
Shoshanah, Derrick Austin
Major Arcana: The Fool, Derrick Austin
i go to meet my tiny gods, Kimberly Blaeser
The Way We Love Something Small, Kimberly Blaeser
unsurprisingly, we go outside to see the moon, Daniel B. Summerhill
Waiting for My Daughter to Be Born, Ben Gucciardi
The Self, Ben Gucciardi
“One Reports Oneself Missing”, Jane Hirshfield
Tule, Erin Rodoni
To Each Its Own, Maggie Smith
Poem Beginning with a Test to My Neighbor, Maggie Smith
Dusk, AE Hines
Salton Sea, Todd Turnidge
Thumbs, Todd Turnidge
Diapause, Keetje Kuipers
All the Diners,
Dream Postscript #1, Sean Cho A.
Broken Not Sonnet #2, Sean Cho A.
Broken Not Sonnet #3, Sean Cho A.
Night Out, Kim Addonizio
Some of the Questions to Consider, Kim Addonizio
Cleaning My Mother’s Garage after She Downsized, Vincent Antonio Rendoni
Attack of the 50-Foot Abuela, Vincent Antonio Rendoni
Hands: Triptych, Jenni Qi
Pantoum for Passing, Farnaz Fatemi
In One Failed Allegory about Grief, Matt Donovan
Object Permanence, Emilie Lygren
July 2023, Rebecca Foust
Stridulation, James Crews
First Boyfriend, Dion O’Reilly
But Also, Dion O’Reilly
Ruins, Ellen Bass
Arrival, George Bilgere
Blueberries, Paul Telles
How Much, Paul Telles
American Elegy, Dean Rader
To the Tune of Qiu Bo Mei, Shangyang Fang
The Weight of Days, Dorianne Laux
Ode to a Smith-Corona Galaxie Typewriter, Angela Narciso Torres
To Scoliosis, Angela Narciso Torres
Canticle, Anderson Valley, Lisa Allen Ortiz
Do You Believe in God?, Pádraig Ó Tuama
Crow Comes Back, Donna Spruijt- Metz
At the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary, January Gill O’Neil
Epicurean Existence, Michael Kleber- Diggs
Parable, Nickole Brown
The Milk of Ice, Ama Codjoe
Lady-in-Waiting, Ama Codjoe
Low Tide, First Day of Fall, Laure- Anne Bosselaar
Mercy, Veronica Kornberg
With the First Grade, ‘Iolani School, Naomi Shihab Nye
Although Poisonous, the Black Widow is not Considered Aggressive, Kelli Russell Agodon
Again the Choirs, Leila Chatti
Night Poem, Leila Chatti
Monster Theory, Jamaica Baldwin
On Kindness, Kwame Dawes