AQR - Vol. 19, No. 3 & 4, Spring/Summer 2002


About the Cover

Hay bales in Alaska’s Matanuska-Susitna Valley glow in the late afternoon sun as rain clouds form over the Talkeetna Mountains.

©2002 Benjamin Spatz


Table of Contents

Special Section: Billy Collins
Passport to Poetry Country: A Conversation with Billy Collins

Selected Poems

A Portrait of the Reader with a Bowl of Cereal
Taking Off Emily Dickinson’s Clothes
A Night on Earth
The Invention of the Saxophone
The Blues
Flying through Clouds
Putti in the Night
Questions About Angels


One Quick Turn, Fred Cooksey
Baby, Think it Over, Malena Watrous
Amber Dermont
Last Night of Carnival, Norberto Luis Romero translated by H.E. Francis
The Danish King, Carol K. Howel
That Strange Flower, the Sun, Tim Keane
You Walked Here in Sunshine, Jamie Nash Yourdon
The Project, David R. Means
The Good Word, Sheila O’Connor
The Story, Edith Pearlman
On the Red River, Tom Kealey


Guest Editor: Peggy Shumaker

A Place to Stand Grass Cutter, Bellagio, Dave Smith
Beside the Juniata The Chinchorro Mummies, Fleda Brown
Taking the Keys from Mother, Walt McDonald
Gravity Hill Oral Tradition, Julia Kasdorf
When Evolution Occurred to Darwin, Melanie Dusseau
Exhuming Phineas Gage, Nancy Hall James
La Cruz de los Caidos, or Self-Portrait with Cross, Virgil Suarez
Limbo Variations on a Theme, Maurya Simon
Footfall To the Tree Frogs Outside the Window, Naomi Shihab Nye
Winter Solstice: Oregon Hill Strange Child, Gregory Donovan
A Personal Version of Therapy, Sam Pereira
Layers For the Cousins, Deborah Brown
Rooftop: Absence, Susan Tenaglia
Flux Storm Versions, Cynthia Hogue
Sunday Morning, Jeanne E. Clark
When in Some Distant Time I Think I’m Sorry Black River, Margot Schilpp
North to the Future: Gustavus, Alaska, Nicole Cooley
Orchard Breath in a Dark Bar, Patricia Goedicke
Helmet, Kelly Lock
Birds Converging And Yet, Christianne Balk
Lost Glasses Once, Hilda Raz
OK Tucker, Robin Becker
The Nipple-button The Weekly Morning Meeting of the Town’s Civic Band The Gathering Evening, Alberto Rios
Hunting Accident, Angela Rydell
Congestive Heart Failure: Letting Go, Richard Dauenhauer
The Visitation, Nance Van Winckel
Plums, Anna Marie Craighead-Kintis
Black Currants, Red Currants Elegy for the Men Killed at Winter Quarters, Scofield, Utah, 1 May 1900, Leslie Norris
Sundays: Rebecca’s on the Hill West, East, Sunday, Julie Fay
Inclining Toward Grace, Robin Standish
Zen Again September,Listening to the Old Songs, Ed Ochester
Plainsong, Anna Zerelle
The Divine, Jon Tribble
Mistaken Identity Tongue, Allison Joseph
What I Drank, Tony Whedon
Anachronism, Jeffery Bahr
The Deer American Miniaturist, Diane Glancy
Heir to the Bridge, Denise Bergman
A Night on the Queen Mary, Reetika Vazirani
Thinking, Making Ready Zenobia Speaks, in Chains and Free, Carole Simmons Oles
A Double Spiral of Pokeberry Listen to the Mockingbird, Paul Morris
Work and Grace: Diaspora, Frank Stewart
Midnight Mass, Escalante Thor, in Disguise, Searches for Freya Dawn Psalm: Pine Valley, David Lee
Cretan Interlude: Lasithi Plateau Riddles, Alicia Ostriker
Some Dogs of the World, John Balaban
Revision Degradation, Stan Sanvel Rubin
Winter Solstice Chant Here, Annie Finch